Friday, 3 July 2015

Scottish judges refuse permission for third appeal.

Relatives of the victims of the Lockerbie bombing will not be allowed to pursue an appeal on behalf of the only man convicted of the crime, Abdelbasset Al-Megrahi.

Families of those killed argued that they were legitimate persons to carry forward the miscarriage of justice appeal for Mr Megrahi, who died three years ago.

But three judges at the Appeal court in Edinburgh have ruled that this is not possible under Scots Law.

Mr Megrahi's own family still have the right to appeal on his behalf, but their lawyers have said that the situation in Libya makes this difficult


  1. Sorry I am so disappointed that this appeal has not been allowed. Somebody needs to look at Scots Law to find the loophole or change the law. Some of these laws are archaic and need to be changed as society changes but the judges cannot do that. I bet the judges are disappointed that they had to return that ruling but they had no choice. They dropped the biggest hint by saying it was not possible under Scots Law. So change Scots Law or appeal from Libya under Libyan Law.

    1. Neither the CIA nor the so-called Libyan "government" want an inevitably successful third appeal. Their reasons differ, but their intentions coincide. Wikileaks revealed that in 2011 the US main intelligence contractor Stratfor discussed the kidnap or killing of Baset Al-Megrahi as he lay on his deathbed. Stratfor and other contractors are still busy working across the Middle East. The pressures on the Megrahi family to do nothing are therefore understandable.

  2. The ruling says it has to be someone who is entitled to be an executor or similar who makes the appeal so that would most likely be a relative of Mr Megrahi. An executor in Scots Law is someone who would be a beneficiary from the estate. A close relative, surviving spouse, children and then grand children. If none of these exist then it starts to spread out to brothers or sisters, nieces and nephews. I assume Mr Megrahi has someone in these categories who can act on his behalf. BTW the lawyer should have known this instead of wasting more valuable time.

  3. We remember today the victims
    of the 7/7 terrorist attacks in London but was disappointed that the BBC referred to these attacks as " the worst terrorist attack perpetrated on British soil" on their Facebook page. I emailed the BBC to say that I think in fact it was Lockerbie. Error has since been corrected.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have witness tampering, court rigging in Scotland, even the police said crimes against me‏. I sent attachments to Dr Swire

    The only legal way to overturn the verdict is to prove the legal system witness tampered in Scotland.

    Barry Lanza 60 16 255 4688
