Friday 23 January 2015

Third Appeal in the balance

A Scottish High Court judge, Lady Dorrian, has today been asked if families of some of the victims of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing are entitled to launch an appeal on behalf of Baset Al-Megrahi, the only man convicted of the atrocity.

She has ordered that a hearing should take place on the 27th March 2015.
Jim Swire and Aamer Anwar
The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) is seeking guidance on the legal status of the relatives of those who lost their lives in the atrocity.

Al-Megrahi died three years ago, having abandoned his second appeal. The SCCRC is considering a joint application from members of Megrahi's family and the Justice for Megrahi campaign group, which includes relatives of British victims of the bombing.

Until now the SCCRC has expressed the view that, despite repeated requests, members of Megrahi's family had failed to provide appropriate evidence supporting their involvement in the application. The SCCRC therefore concluded that the application is being actively supported only by the members of the victims' families.

The SCCRC wants to determine if a member of the victims' families - such as Dr Jim Swire - might be classed as a person with a legitimate interest to pursue an appeal if the case is referred back to the High Court.

Dr Swire and Aamer Anwar, solicitor for the Megrahi family, were among those at court for the latest hearing.

Immediately following the hearing Mr Anwar said: "We would submit that the commission are wrong and that we remain instructed by members of the Megrahi family as well as the British relatives.

"We have been in communication with the Megrahi family, both via intermediaries and directly. Communication is hampered by an extremely dangerous situation in Libya. Finality and certainty in the Megrahi case is unlikely ever to be achieved unless a referral is made to the Appeal Court."


  1. I was the registered Panam ground security coordinator on duty at the departure of PA103. At the time my views were silenced by Panam management. I would welcome speaking to Dr. Jim Swire.

    1. Hi Brian,
      I did receive your enquiry, and sent an email invitation for you to contact me so that I could pass your message on to Jim Swire. I still haven't heard from you. The offer is still open. My email address is

    2. We are still waiting for your reply. But, of course, there will not be one. You are both Brian Pluthero and Patrick Haseldine, the famous Professor Emeritus of a non-existent university.

    3. Still no reply. It is sad indeed that a former Pan Am ground security coordinator was silenced by his employees following the Lockerbie attack. Our heart goes out to you. Keep on lying. It helps to pass the time.

    4. Hi Peter,

      I've only just seen your remarks from three years ago and have two things to say. Firstly, from his Linkedin profile, I estimate that Brian Pluthero is in his eighties, whereas - like you - I'm somewhat younger: so he certainly is not me!

      Secondly, it's clear Mr Pluthero wished to speak directly to Dr Jim Swire. By imposing yourself as the interlocutor, therefore, you appear to have frightened him off.


      Emeritus Professor of Lockerbie Studies

